What is best way to learn Thai Massage

Are you looking to learn the art of Thai massage? Look no further than Chiang Mai, Thailand. This ancient city is known for its temples, food, and traditional Thai massage. It’s the perfect place to learn and immerse yourself in this healing art. First things...

Inner Ankle Pain – Causes and Solutions

What causes inner ankle pain? Pain on the medial ankle is more commonly known as inner ankle pain. The root of this condition is often the imbalance in muscle tone between inner and outer leg, especially focused around the calf region. Locating the source of tightness...

Outer Elbow Pain – Causes and Solutions

Suffering from Tennis Elbow? Learn how you can treat it! The most common term for pain on the outside of the elbow is Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis). Often misdiagnosed as inflammation or degeneration of the tendons of the wrist extensor muscles as they...

Pain on the Palm – Causes and Solution

Six muscles that cause Palm Pain Pain in the palm of the hand is common condition arising from misuse of the arm and hand muscles. The most common cause being overusing your hands on a computer with wrist making hard contact against a table thus restricting the...