Suffering from Tennis Elbow? Learn how you can treat it! The most common term for pain on the outside of the elbow is Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis). Often misdiagnosed as inflammation or degeneration of the tendons of the wrist extensor muscles as they...
Elbow Pain Articles
Trigger point pain from Anconeus Trigger Point #One and how to find relief
How to fix the elbow joint pain STEP 1: How to Locate the Anconeus Trigger Point #One The Anconeus muscle is a small muscle on the back of the elbow joint. Some consider Anconeus to be a continuation of the Triceps Brachii muscle, since both help in the extension of...

Trigger point pain from Brachio Radialis and how to find relief
Brachio Radialis –– the main culprit for tennis elbow The Brachio Radialis is one of the chief causes of a tennis elbow and other forms of forearm pain. On the other hand there are other muscles that can cause the exact same pain patterns. That is why using our app...

Trigger point pain from Brachialis and how to find relief
Inner Thumb Pain and its connection to Brachialis The Brachialis is one of those muscle that refers pain a long way away. In this case down the arm to the thumb. But inner thumb pain can also be caused by muscles on the palm and forearm. That is why using our app...

Trigger point pain from Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and how to find relief
Extensor Carpi Radialis Ulnaris and Elbow Pain The Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus is a small muscle that sends pain on to the elbow. However the joint being a junction for several crucial muscles is a common area of pain from many other muscles. That is why using our...

Trigger point pain from Triceps Brachii and how to find relief
Tricep Brachii and Elbow Pain The Triceps Brachii is a group of three muscles along back of the forearm that helps move the arm back. Its pain pattern stretches all the way from the shoulder to the elbow and down to the hand. However the pain pattern of the Triceps...
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