Trigger point pain from Trapezius Trigger Point #Two and how to find relief

Jun 7, 2018 | Uncategorized

STEP 1: How to Locate the Trapezius Trigger Point #Two

The Trapezius are a pair of muscles on your upper back, hugging either side of your spine beginning at the level of your lowest rib and terminating near the shoulder. The muscle forms a “V”, rises up to your neck, and closes at the base of your skull. Together, both muscles form a diamond or trapezoid shape, giving the muscle its name.
Anatomically and functionally, Trapezius can be divided into three main parts: superior, middle, and inferior. The superior portion originates at the base of the skull, near the C7 vertebra, and travels down and out before attaching to the shoulder bone’s lateral plane. The middle portion beings at the C7, T1-3 vertebra, and travels horizontally, eventually inserting on a bony protuberance that is often considered a continuation of the spine of the scapula. You can feel for this spine by moving your hand along the shoulder; the bony extension you’ll feel is the spine of the scapula.The inferior portion of the Trapezius muscles originates along the T3 vertebra to the last thoracic vertebra, the T12, and eventually inserts over a tubercle on the spine of the scapula. Together these muscles are involved in many related movements: rotation, retraction, elevation, and depression. The superior and inferior fibres work together to help in upward rotation, while the superior fibres alone aid in elevation and the lateral flexion of the neck. When the scapulae are stabilised upon co-contraction of the muscles, the upper fibres cause an extension of the neck. Simultaneously, the muscle group’s middle fibres help in the depression of the scapula.

On the subject of localizing the trigger point, the Trapezius have about 6 TrP’s, two in each part. The second one appears on the superior Trapezius, located within the inner 1/3 and outer 2/3 of the distance between the base of the neck and shoulder.

STEP 2: How to Self-Release the Trapezius Trigger Point # Two

Self-releasing the upper Trapezius’ trigger point requires a ball and a sturdy wall. Locate your trigger point as shown in the previous video. This muscle’s trigger point is sometimes located close to the neck, but can sometimes be found towards the shoulder. In either case, the technique remains the same. Place the ball over your trigger point and lean in at an angle until your hip is almost touching the wall. Using your thumb, catch the muscle and squeeze it against the ball. Hold for 30 seconds and release.

STEP 3: How to Stretch the TrapeziusTrigger Point # Two

Stretching the Upper Trapezius is quite simple. This stretch can be done either sitting or standing. First, tuck your chin into your chest. If your trigger point is on the right side, turn your head to face slightly left. Place your left hand over your head and gently tuck your chin into your chest as much as is comfortable. You may feel sensation running into the middle of your back. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute and release, remembering to do stretch the other side as well.


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