Trigger point pain from Platysma Trigger Point #One and how to find relief

Jun 7, 2018 | Uncategorized

STEP 1: How to Locate the Platysma Trigger Point #One

The Platysma is a very thin muscle that covers the neck. It can have trigger points in various places over the neck. Because it is a very thin muscle, and because it covers all the important structures in the neck, it is strongly recommended that you find a qualified therapist to help you locate and work on it. Please do not attempt to do so by yourself.

STEP 2: How to Self-Release the Platysma Trigger Point # One

Please contact a therapist using the “Find Therapist” button. We do not recommend working on this muscle independently and instead advise consulting a qualified therapist.

STEP 3: How to Stretch the PlatysmaTrigger Point # One

Please contact a therapist using the “Find Therapist” button. We do not recommend working on this muscle unless under the guidance of a qualified professional.


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