STEP 1: How to Locate the Pectoralis Major Trigger Point #Three
The Pectoralis Major comes from the Latin word ‘pectus’ which means ‘breast’. It is a thick, fan-shaped muscle, situated over the chest of the human body. It makes up the bulk of the chest muscles and lies under the breast. In sports as well as in bodybuilding, the pectoral muscles may colloquially be referred to as “pecs”, “pectoral muscles” or “chest muscles” due to their status as large and superficial muscles in the chest area. The Pectoralis Major arises from the front of the collar bone, moving across the breadth of the sternum, going as low down as to attach to the cartilage of the sixth or seventh rib. This includes the cartilages of all the true ribs, with the exception, frequently, of the first or seventh. This muscle comes together and attaches to a groove in the humerus, a bone in the upper arm. This muscle also helps in flexing the arm at the shoulder joint. Place a hand over your chest and do the action; you will feel the muscle move beneath your fingers.The Pectoralis Major has three trigger points. The third trigger point is present along the inner boundary of the armpit. Stretch your arm out by your side and feel for the inner border of the armpit. Now feel for sensitive spots in this area. Remember the location of these spots as you move to the self-release video.
STEP 2: How to Self-Release the Pectoralis Major Trigger Point # Three
You will need a ball to self-release the Pectoralis Major muscle. Place the ball over the TrP as shown in the previous video and raise your hands. Lean against the wall with the ball in between. Move around until you find the most sensitive spot. Hold for about 30 seconds and release.
STEP 3: How to Stretch the Pectoralis MajorTrigger Point # Three
To stretch the Pectoralis Major, you will need a pillow and a yoga block or bolster. Lie down on the floor with your head resting comfortably on the pillow. Roll over and bring the leg of the side you would like to stretch (say the left) to rest over the bolster or yoga block. The bolster should be placed on your right side. Take your left arm and place it above and behind your head diagonally across your body as far as you can while keeping your right hand stretched out to your side. The position of the arm is important; do not stretch the arm diagonally, but ensure that it is up and horizontal to the body, and that the shoulder is not touching the floor. Hold for about 30 seconds, and release.
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