STEP 1: How to Locate the Gluteus Minimus Trigger Point #One
The Gluteus Minimus is a muscle present over the buttocks and, as the name suggests, is a smaller muscle. It arises from the hip girdle along the side, and is inserted into the femur near the hip joint. It is a fan-shaped muscle that helps in moving the leg away from the midline, and in stabilizing the hip when standing on one leg. It has two trigger points: anterior and posterior. The anterior trigger point is present about two centimetres below, behind a bony prominence on either side of the hip. Place your hands over your navel and bring them down and to the side until you feel a bony projection at the level of your hips. Feel around this area for sensitive spots. These are your anterior trigger points. This method typically shows a referred pain pattern along the outer side of the buttocks and thigh.
STEP 2: How to Self-Release the Gluteus Minimus Trigger Point # One
To self-release the Gluteus Minimus muscle, you will need a ball, pillow, and a yoga block, bolster, or stack of books. Lie down on the ground with your head resting on the pillow. Locate the anterior trigger point giving you trouble, as shown in the earlier video. Place the ball beneath this point and roll onto it. You can rest your leg/knee on the yoga block or bolster for more comfort. Should you require more pressure, straighten the leg out and roll your body over the ball. If you find this too intense, then roll back to reduce pressure. Hold for about 30 seconds and relax.
STEP 3: How to Stretch the Gluteus MinimusTrigger Point # One
The Gluteus Minimus helps by moving the leg away from the body. To stretch the leg, we will be doing the opposite action. First, lie on the ground with your head resting comfortably on a pillow. Lift the leg that you want to stretch (for this example, the right leg) and bend it at the knee. Rolling this leg over the left leg, place your right foot beyond the left. Hold onto your right knee using your left hand, keeping your right hand stretched out at shoulder level by your side. Turn your head to look at your right hand. Hold for 30 seconds and release. Remember to stretch the other leg as well.
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