Trigger point pain from Peroneus Brevis and how to find relief

Jun 7, 2018 | Ankle Pain, Foot Pain, Thigh Pain, Trigger Point Therapy

Peroneus Brevis and back pain

The Peroneus Brevis is unique in that it is an important link in the chain of muscles along the outer leg leading up to outer back of the hip and upward to the back. Hence it often has a strong connection with lower back pain.

That is why using our app Painalog can help you identify the exact combination of muscles that are the cause of your pain.

You can download the app on Google Play Store or get it on App store and give it whirl for free for seven days. However if you are sure that it is the Peroneus Brevis then read on to learn how to locate, self release and stretch the muscle.

STEP 1: How to Locate the Peroneus Brevis Trigger Point #One

There are three Peroneus muscles: Longus, Brevis and Tertius. The Peroneus Brevis is a muscle present on the side of the lower leg. It arises from the fibula which is a thin bone present in the outside of the lower leg, runs behind this bony prominence, and eventually attaches onto some of the bones of the foot. This muscle helps in moving the foot outwards to point the toes away from the body. It also helps provide stability when you’re standing on one leg. Place a hand on the outside of your lower leg a little below the knee and move your foot outwards. You will feel a muscle tensing beneath your hand; that is your Peroneus Brevis muscle.

STEP 2: How to Self-Release the Peroneus Brevis Trigger Point # One

You will need a ball to massage the Peroneus Brevis muscle. The trigger point of the Peroneus Brevis is lower on the calf, closer to the ankle. Sit down with the affected leg bent and the lower leg on the floor, making sure to keep comfortable. Place the ball under the muscle and bring your knee down. You may place your hands over the leg and press should you require additional pressure. Hold for 30 seconds and release. Remember to massage the other leg as well.

STEP 3: How to Stretch the Peroneus BrevisTrigger Point # One

Stretching the Peroneus group of muscles is quite simple. Stand upright facing a wall about one to two feet away from the wall. Place your hands on the wall and lean in. Stand so the leg with the Peroneus you want to stretch (say the left) is behind your right foot. Bend the left foot, such that the toes are pointing to your right leg. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds and release, remembering to stretch the other side.

Download Painalog App Today

Painalog is available on both iOS and Android 

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